Having lived for ten long years,
Seen ten more Januaries to ten
All of absolutely equal lengths
I found myself obscured in forest
That to remember, it makes me afraid,
Of the darkness, of what’s next. But
I’ll aid
Your mind to travel where i once
This path that death freely rode
Where the falcon can’t hear the
Where the puppet stares at the
And blood flows like it is a mighty
Roaring, showing that it’s not a life
Back to the journey that i promised to
Hopefully to its end, to its tail
If the muses refresh my memory:
Suddenly saw a variegated animal
staring at me
A she-wolf ‘twas, with so much hungering,
Ravenously devouring my whole being
With just a look, aye just a mere look
And it made my whole body shook.
Banishing me from the suns light
To run to a little cave with affright
It roared like a lion to me
As i ran deep into this cave, with
As to whether after me it would come
Or its hungering would calm.
Deep into the recess of the cave
Saw i eyes thirsting for me to have:
Unaware of where to go i ran
Till saw i a light where the river
To pour its waters down the earth,
So jumped i to escape this death,
Whose eyes had already torn me apart.